Music For Queen Margaret

Music For Queen Margaret

Next to the impressive, life-size portrait of the Margaret of Austria, Queen of Spain (1584–1611) at the Rienzi we perform music by composers of the Madrid court chapel including Rogier, Romero, and de Victoria.

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Pergolesi: Stabat mater

Pergolesi: Stabat mater

After Pergolesi’s premature death at 26 years old, his Stabat mater spread like wildfire all over Europe and inspired countless arrangements and adaptations, even by J. S. Bach.

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Krampus Kränzchen

Krampus Kränzchen

On December 5, the day before St. Nicholas Day, the nasty little fiend called Krampus celebrates his day. While St. Nicholas, the Niglò in Austrian dialect, rewards the good kids, Krampus takes care of the … well … not so good ones. Reason enough for adults to throw fun Advent parties. Although we’ve been very good this year, we don’t want you to miss out on the Krampus fun and invite you to a non-Kitsch Advent concert sweetened with German and Austrian seasonal delights including Stollen, Lebkuchen, and Glühwein!

Music by Biber, Carissimi, Schütz, and Haydn

Cody Ryan Arthur, tenor
Manami Mizumoto, Baroque violin
Mario Aschauer, harpsichord

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Schütz: Exequien / Exequies

Schütz: Exequien / Exequies

Heinrich Schütz’ Exequies for 6–8 voices arguably constitute the first German Requiem. The combination of concerto style and vocal polyphony make for a breathtaking masterwork of musical architecture at the onset of the Baroque period.

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